Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Doing Good

We get 
we buy
we unwrap...
we may even give a present or two, 
but do we really give with our hearts? 
I have heard from our class that many families are doing service projects at this time of year. 
For example,
Maurin's family hosts a party at a school for deaf students.
What a wonderful lesson to teach compassion and tolerance for others!

I attended a service event with my own children last Monday night. We tied blankets for children at Primary Children's hospital. It was a joy sitting with my boys and talking about why a child might need the blanket and what a comfort the blanket will bring them. My sons loved helping out and didn't want to stop! (sorry night!)

Well, there was extra material available and I told the coordinators that I knew some pretty wonderful kids who could lend a hand. Lucky for us, they thought it was a good idea for Bungalow 4 to lend a helping hand! 

Operation Blanket go started. First two of our wonderful volunteer moms (Sheila Jones & Julie Rigby...They are both super cute, but I forgot to take a picture of them working hard! Sorry!) came in and trimmed the fabric straight and cut the fringe.

Ask the rad kids in Bungalow 4 about their thoughts on our service project
 "Operation Blanket"

Secret Password

Onward Ho!

While studying Utah Pioneers we had a lot of fun! We read stories, made maps, sand songs and....
Thank you Natalie for leaving your wagon here at school so I could take a picture!
The process was involved. We gathered supplies, made the canvas and treated it to make it "waterproof", "nailed" the lumber together,  and constructed the wheels.
The only thing left would be to hitch up our yoke of oxen....but maybe the family pet will do? (haha! Just kidding! Do not bug your pet!)

Monday, November 26, 2012

Musical Talent Abounds...

~'Tis the season to be super busy! I know you can all relate. It is also the season to forget to press "publish" on the blog! Sorry! I thought posted but instead it was saved in draft mode.~

We love to sing and play music! 
This is how we practice the songs that support our studies of Utah history! The songs are catchy and well written but man, this kiddos take it to the next level with the performance! 
It's a sight to see!

Drummers, guitar players and singers...we are a complete band!
Silly, just how I like it!

Look for a sweet video on how we rock the recorders coming to the blog soon! (If I can figure out how to add a video!...Parents, any experts out there?) 
A blog shout out to Ethan's mom who teaches the recorders...we would never be this great without her help!

Secret password
{air guitar}

Sunday, October 28, 2012

WOW!!! We are so busy!

 The last week we were off track and the first week we came back on we: 
1. Had a Safety presentation from a Grand Master in Karate...he has multiple black belts!
2. We filled our bean jar! We are so well behaved that people give us complements. Since we filled the jar, we earned a party...there was even some crazy dancing!
3. Some students created models of Native American dwellings while they were off track! They look so cool and we love having them displayed in our classroom!
4. We came back on track and jumped right back into math...just look at what we can do!
5. Tweet! We have a twitter board in our room. Those students who have job responsibilities are the twitter writers. They write funny things like, "I like cheese!" but also write about what they enjoyed like, "That Halloween party was so much fun!". I hope the twitter wall provides some more meaningful writing opportunities in the classroom!

** I couldn't arrange the pictures in order of my list easily and I was very tired, but the pictures are too cute not to be shown! Enjoy seeing what we are up to!"

Secret Word

Friday, September 21, 2012

We work hard!

Every week we work on projects and assignments and do our best work as proven in past posts.
Sometimes students need some extra time to catch up because we all work at our own pace. Some students write really long stories and others may have been absent from school. One thing for certain is that our class works so hard and everyone tries to stay on task. Here's what some of us choose to do in our free time! I love these hard working students!!!

Flash Card Mania!!!!

Free choice reading!
The favorite spot is the pink lounge chair...

or the colorful carpet...

or at our own desks!

Secret Word
{flash card mania}

Friday, September 14, 2012


What a wonderful time of year! The leaves are turning and the apples are ripe! Enjoy this beautiful artwork that now hangs in our classroom!
A work in progress
Students could color in shades and tints of GREEN

or RED

Most of the group! "How 'bout then apples!"
We are working on learning more about the "Leader in Me" characteristics. This month the trait is "Be Proactive". We are learning that we have the power to lead and be great examples. Being proactive means taking conscious control over your life, setting goals and working to achieve them. Instead of reacting to events and waiting for opportunities, you go out and create your own events and opportunities.
Erika Thurston (Natalie's mom) comes into our room once a month and does an activity with us to help us learn these traits. Today she read us a book and then talked about "Helping Hands". We can choose to be helpful and that is part of being proactive! Thanks Mrs. Thurston for coming in and sharing your knowledge with us!
This turned out better than I planned! A BIG thank you to Brooklyn Best who volunteers at the school. Even though she is not a parent of a student in our class, she still helped me make this trunk!

Secret Word
{apple butter}

Friday, September 7, 2012

Utah Symphony

It was a privilege to listen as the Utah Symphony preformed a special concert for the 4th grade students in our valley. Our students were well dresses and very well behaved! I was very proud to be their teacher on such a special day! Here are some pictures of us on our way and as we waited for the performances to start. The students were wondering why I didn't take any pictures inside, during the performance. I explained to them that you should always turn off your cell phone and never take pictures during performances. My motto is teach them young! :)
Handsome ...rock stars!

Silly and very cute!

Picture sit in your seat properly! :)

All ready and looking great!
The Handsome Dudes of Bungalow 4

Such perfectly lovely ladies.

A little bored here but Mrs. Troxel taught us 2 new games!

Air conditioning! That's more like it!

Some of the pictures I took did not work out (blurry, all eyes closed) but you get the idea. We looked great and had a great time! I hope this wonderful cultural experience was meaningful for all of the students. Remember, you can write up a reflection paragraph and turn it in to check off one of the activities to earn the Leader in Me Award.

Secret Word
{color of music}


Friday, August 31, 2012

Utah Stamps

 Stamp design is hard work, and we love it! After a discussion of what is needed on a stamp we put our creativity to work. I think the best thing about this project is every design idea was a correct design idea.
This is Kasen's work in progress. Many chose to make their stamp cost $.47 because in 1847 the Mormon Pioneers entered the Salt Lake Valley. Besides choosing a cost for the stamp, students had to include the name of our beautiful state. The rest if the design was up to them. We talked about state symbols and some of the beautiful landscapes Utah provides. As you can see, Kasen chose our spectacular Wasatch Mountains.
Look at their concentration!

Careful work makes great art!

Everyone is doing their best! 
What a creative use of color!


These are turning out soooo well!

Look how great these turned out!

Utah IS beautiful and so is this artwork!

Proudly displayed...a few more will be hung when finished!

 Have a Safe & Fun Labor Day Weekend!
On TUESDAY we will be participating in a program called STEP EXPRESS. We will be doing the initial physical testing outside on the field and it will take around 1½ hours. Please come to school wearing comfortable clothes, tennis shoes, and sunscreen. Bring a water bottle. You may also
wear a hat to school on Tuesday. Secret Word
{stamp collector}

Friday, August 24, 2012

A Place of Honor!

Our class was chosen, along with Mrs. Mower's (4/C), to display some art work at the district office. Each month a different school is chosen to showcase some of their talented artists.

We gathered both classes together for an art lesson on Pablo Picasso. Our conversation consisted geometric words and analyzing the colors of the spectrum.

We decided to create portrait in the style of Picasso. We focused on scale and symmetry. We even measured our own faces. Once the faces were drawn in pencil, we traced our pencil lines in Sharpie we were committed! We added color using chalk (Was it ever messy! Thank goodness for baby wipes!)

We were able to display 30 student masterpieces on the District Office Auxillary Building bulletin board. It was so hard to choose as ALL of the students did such a nice job. The rest of the art work is on display in Mrs. Mower's bulletin board as she is off track.

Both Mrs. Mower and I are super impressed by how carefully the students worked. They should be very proud of their artwork and the "places of honor" that they are now displayed!

Secret password
{ Picasso }